[Prerequisite] Introduction to Markdown notation.
DataMates Studio applicatons (dmsApp) leverage basic Markdown notation for documentation. Markdown is plain text documentation with minor markup syntax added to enhance it, while maintaining readability of that original text. Markdown files (*.md) can then be parsed to generate output in another format, like HTML.
Example – Inline Text Format
Publishing a plugin to wordpress.org is a good example of leveraging a plain README.txt file, and displaying some sections through a Markdown parser as HTML on the plugins homepage.
1. Visit **Plugins** -> `Add New` menu.
Notice the matching pair of asterix (**) will show that text as bold.
Notice the matching pair of back-tick (`) will show that text as inline code.
Example – Images, Lists and Links
Publishing a plugins source code to GitLab can have an introduction README.md [GitLab] that leverages GitLab Flavoured Markdown. Use the [Display Source] button to checkout the plain text and see if you can find the embedded images, to-do check list items and website link.